The 10th INDIs Film Festival is now live on
This free 3 day online event takes place from the 18th-20th February 2022, and is open to anyone aged 16+ who is interested in pursuing a career in film and film production.
Please find attached the 3 day programme outline.
Bookings can now be made for all of the events in our programme, and you can also view all of the films available to watch during the festival on via the leeds film player from the 18th February. Please note that whilst all of the online events are free, charges do apply for any of the films you may wish to watch.
Many thanks in advance for all your help in promoting and sharing this event and please do continue to follow us on socials:
Twitter - @INDIsFestival
Facebook - @TheINDIs
Instagram - @INDIsFestival
Attachment | Size |
INDIs 2022 Programme Grid v2.pdf | 699.62 KB |