SRFF 2022 Official Selection
Narrative Feature
Documentary Feature
Narrative Short
Documentary Short
COVID, Children, Animation and Web Series
Special SPOTLIGHT - Voices of Canada
The films, trailers, and synopses (details on the festival YouTube channel) are accessible from the festival website under SRFF 2022. Press and Media are invited to sign in at the accreditation portal. Sponsorships and partnerships are open here.
"In these difficult times, films made by our talented and dedicated filmmakers offer us the added bonus of learning about the human condition, about filmmaking, and about engaging an audience as the first step towards awareness leading to social change. We are lucky in that our hard work as volunteers is rewarded by this content." Festival Founding Artistic Director Nora Armani
Actress/ Filmmaker Nora Armani founded SRFF in 2013 as a response to the proliferation of violence and violent forms of storytelling. SRFF believes in the power of film in raising awareness of social issues and promoting positive social change. This new edition is even more impactful as it covers Climate Change and Women, Immigration and Refugees, Empowering Women, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, LGBTQ Rights, Genocide and Holocaust, Youth and Children, Disability, Incarceration and Freedom, Politics and Social Equality, Sex Trafficking, Racism, BIPOC cultures and colorism, and Life during COVID. SRFF believes that positive social change can happen through the impact of Socially Relevant™films on society.
In its first eight years, SRFF has showcased over 550 films from 35 countries. A roster of 55 selected narrative, documentary and short films from 39 countries is on offer this year. The special category COVID-19 renders homage to victims of the pandemic. New categories are Children, Web series, and animation. Filmmaker Q&A's follow most in-person screenings. Meetings with the Filmmakers online complement the program.
The Mission of the SR Film Festival is to shine the spotlight on filmmakers who tell compelling, socially relevant™, human interest stories, across a broad range of social issues.
Early Bird $7 tickets for Cinema Village and $75 All-Access passes are on sale here ( for a limited time. Regular passes will be $200 and in-person tickets $15 thereafter.
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