MARCH 13-19, 2017
Dear Friend,
I'm delighted to announce the fourth edition of
March 13–19, 2017
This year's festival offers 46 films from 23 countries in addition to a slate of workshops, opening and closing galas, industry panels and a VR/AR-360 Expo.
You can now purchase Early Bird $5 Tickets and discounted All-Access Passes.
SR Socially Relevant(™) Film Festival New York, a relatively new non-profit film festival, launches its fourth edition March 13-19, 2017 at Cinepolis Chelsea, The School of Visual Arts MFA Social Documentary and the Tenri Cultural Institute.
This year's line-up includes 6 narrative feature films, 12 documentary features films, and 28 short films. In addition, five scripts are finalists.
The Mission of the SR Socially Relevant (™) Film Festival is to shine the spotlight on filmmakers who tell compelling, socially relevant (™), human interest stories across a broad range of social issues. The festival was created as a response to the proliferation of violence and violent forms of storytelling in media and entertainment. SR believes in the power of cinema in raising awareness of social issues and promoting positive social change. During its first three years, the festival has showcased 157 films from 33 countries. Submissions are received from all over the world.
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Nora Armani
Founding Artistic Director
SR - Socially Relevant Film Festival NY
Tel: +1 (212) 253 2022
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