FILM DETAILS Rebels with a Cause - Features in Competition
In Bed - 2022, Israel, director: Nitzan Gilady | World premiere and In Focus: Israel
The Coffee Table - 2022, Spain, director: Caye Casas | World premiere
Three Thousand Numbered Pieces - 2022, Hungary, director: Ádám Császi | World premiere
21 Paradise - 2022, Spain, director: Nestor Ruiz Medina | World premiere
Black Kisses - 2022, Spain, director: Alejandro Naranjo | World premiere
The Limits of Consent - 2022, Estonia, director: Michael Keerdo-Dawson | World premiere
Solastalgia - 2022, Germany, director: Marina Hufnagel | International premiere
Rebelión - 2022, Colombia, Argentina, USA, director: José Luis Rugeles | International premiere
Job Interview - 2022, Colombia, director: Carlos Osuna | International premiere
Your Lovely Smile - 2022, Japan, director: Lim Kah-Wai | International premiere
Long Time No Sleep - 2022, Argentina, director: Agustín Godoy | International premiere
Rebels with a Cause - Features out of Competition
I Haven't Done Anything - 2022, South-Korea, director: Sang-min Park | European premiere
Roving Woman - 2022, USA, Poland, director: Michal Chmieleski | Baltic premiere
How Dare You Have Such a Rubbish Wish - 2022, United Kingdom, Iran, director: Mania Akbari | Baltic premiere
Rebels with their Shorts
All the Love of the World - 2022, director: Guerin Van de Vorst | International Premiere
Dr. Moreau - 2021, directors: Péter Lichter, Máté Bori | World Premiere
Everything At Once - 2022, director: Henrik Dyb Zwart | Baltic Premiere
everything is beautiful and nothing hurts - 2022, director: R Seventeen, Lucy | World Premiere
Fury - 2021, director: Julia Siuda | Baltic Premiere
Huge Choice - 2021, director: Oleksandra Krasavtseva | Baltic Premiere
Judith / Romina - 2021, director: Ali Mozaffari | World Premiere
Mother Prays All Day Long - 2022, director: Hoda Taheri | Baltic Premiere
Rabobesto - Or How I Saved a Monster - 2021, director: Mari Mantela | Estonian Premiere
Sliver Cave - 2022, director: Caibei Cai | Baltic Premiere
The Anniversary - 2022, Dir. Marius Gabriel Tired | World Premiere
The Human Torch - 2022, director: Risto-Pekka Blom | Baltic Premiere
Wimmelbook - 2021, director: Ali Gill | Baltic Premiere PRESS MATERIALS
Press materials for the Rebels films can be found here. PRESS OFFICE CONTACTS
International communication: Will Smith - / +372 5594 5443
Estonian communication: Tiit Tuumalu -