“We hope for the support of the film community to serve the suffering people of Ukraine. It has been my experience in Cannes that we can actively serve those in need, i am grateful for this opportunity.”
Sharon Stone

Culture and movies in particular have a key role to play to raise awareness about the main humanitarian and sustainability issues of our time. Climate change, food waste, the carbon footprint and tremendous impact of food on our health are slow poisons that can ruin generations. It is time to act now, together and fast and I am delighted to be able to bring spotlight to food security for all, including children and those affected by conflict, on the occasion of the Cannes Film Festival.
Manuel Collas de La Roche
"I am happy that Africa and particularly Ivory Coast are highlighted by the Better World Endowment Fund. I am very touched by this and I hope that it will encourage other initiatives to give a better future to the children of Africa."
Dominique Ouattara, First Lady of Côte d'Ivoire