Created to encourage content creators from unique backgrounds to share their stories during the Cannes Film Festival, the independent Diversity in Cannes Short Film & Web Series Showcase will promote the work of diverse (thought, race, gender, age, religion, physical ability and sexual orientation) filmmakers and recognize them globally for their achievements in film.
The top 10 to 18 films & web series from ALL eligible entries, as determined by Diversity in Cannes and its partners, will be ANNOUNCED LIVE ON SOCIAL MEDIA during the official selection press conference the week of April 10, 2023.
These films will be considered in competition (official selections) and screened during the Diversity in Cannes Short Film & Webseries Showcase in May 2023 at an independent event during the Cannes Film Festival, COVID PERMITTING!!!!
Showcase winners will be determined by jury and announced at an awards reception immediately following the Showcase.
While the events take place in France at the same time as the Cannes Film Festival the Diversity in Cannes Short Film Showcase is an INDEPENDENT EVENT SPONSORED BY ACADEMY AWARD !!!