Welcome to the submission form for the 1º Kaaffilm International Short Film Festival
KAAFFILMis an international network of distribution, production, and promotion of short films. Since 2016, KAAFFILM has gone through several steps and right now it has gathered some awesome projects under its umbrella, offering professionals and amateurs the opportunity to promote their work, see their short films projected in unconventional cinemas across the world, and even share their experience and knowledge to those who need advice and guidance.
Every year the Kaaffilm International Short Film Festival presents a diverse program of short films. We pride ourselves on supporting talent in all its forms, and we welcome applications from both new-waves and emerging filmmakers, from anywhere in the world. Below you’ll find everything you need to know about submitting your film. Whether you’re a seasoned filmmaker or a fresh new voice, we look forward to receiving your work!
The Kaaffilm International Short Film Festivalis an independent film festival that puts the spotlight on short films – a category that unfortunately doesn’t get the mainstream attention it deserves. We accept submissions from all over the world and provide a platform for short films that challenge the way we think about cinema.
Submissions for 1º Kaaffilm International Short Film Festival 2022 are made through FilmFreeway or Festhome and Entry Form.
Awards are given in the following categories:
This competition is for emerging filmmakers, student filmmakers, and independent filmmakers.
“KAAFFILM Award” | This category is only for filmmakers who made a short film specifically about HUMAN RIGHTS. All types of short films will be accepted; Narrative, documentary, experimental, or animated films or videos up to 20 minutes in length.
“International Spotlight” | This category is for all US & International filmmakers around the world. This category is for all US & International filmmakers around the world. The Kaaffilm International Short Film Festival is open to Narrative, Documentary and, Animation short films from any country which are under 20 minutes in length.
“Children Spotlight” | This category is only for filmmakers who made a short film specifically about CHILDREN. Narrative short films up to 20 minutes in length will be accepted.
“Zan Spotlight” | This category is only for Iranian WOMEN filmmakers who reside in Iran, if you are not an Iranian women director you must enter your film through the International option. All types of short films will be accepted; Narrative, documentary, experimental, or animated films or videos up to 20 minutes in length. (Only Iranian Women Filmmakers).
Visit our FilmFreeway or Festhome page to learn more about how to submit.