For two years, artists have had all the difficulties to express themselves to their public.
To allow the OFF DE CANNES to continue to defend their interests in a more efficient way, we are pleased to announce the reopening of the Great International Web Contest since Tuesday, March 15, 2022.
The goal of the team, this year, is to give us the means to bring artists and art lovers more visibility in order to obtain a real recognition from our institutions.
To do so, we propose to all artists, amateurs and professionals, to post their works (photos, videos, music, texts, clips...) on
in the fields of cinema, music, dance, fashion, writing, visual arts - photography, painting, sculpture, NFT and other digital arts - from March 15 to May 5, 2022.
This competition allows artists to express themselves in each artistic discipline : cinema (directors/actors), music, dance, writing, fashion (stylists, models, photographers), Fine Arts (photography, painting, sculpture).
The OFF de Cannes will bring to the talents, often multidisciplinary, some of which are followed all year long and will become the stars of tomorrow, a connection with several of our professionals and an international visibility thanks to our numerous media partners from all over the world.
Just to remember the last event during Cannes festival 2021, for the first time in 74 years the Cannes film festival have taken place in the heat of July, from 6th to 17th. The 14th of July is a historic date for France. The last presidents of French republic invited the main personalities in the Presidential Palace of the Elysee for a mythic Garden Party. This year, the president Macron was not allowed to organize its event, due to the pandemic. So, Alain Zirah and Anne Gomis organized the OFF DE CANNES’ Garden Party of July 14th at the Palais Massier, a luxurious place during Cannes festival, to celebrate their 15th anniversary. It was a great opportunity that could not be missed Alain Zirah and Anne Gomis to present a fashion show composed by a dozen of talented designers and beautiful models in a palace while, on la Croisette, tuxedos and long dresses rub shoulders with vacationers in shorts and flip-flops.
During all the afternoon, the Garden Party let numerous artists performed on the stage with Eliot Cohen from the famous international Red Bus Recording Studios (London) as godfather. The show began with Adelia Martins and Francine Cazanobe with jazz songs from Saint Germain des Près. Brazilian dancers adorned with multicolored feathers set the palace in fire with caliente rhythms and André Lenzi mixed martial arts and oriental dancers for Lame d’Orient.
Last year, the team organized the July 14 OFF de Cannes’ Garden Party to celebrate their 15th (+1) anniversary, began with Brazilian dancers Ladies Glam United then Lame d'Orient to highlighted the exemplary work of many singers and musicians as the master of veena Raghunath Manet (India), the singers Riker Lynch (USA), Jean Marie Monteiro (Guinea Bissau), the visual and sound designer Devy Man (France) with the dancer Shigemi Sawa (Japan), the tap dancer Angelo Borer (Switzerland), Malekoumsa (Senegal), Barbara Vittorelli (Miss Brazil), Indylov and many more…with the patrons Bruno Chatelin, and Eliot Cohen founder of Red Bus Recording Studios (London).
With the big help of Paulette Mouquet (Ready Lady) and Bintou Kimberley (Chic Image), a great Fashion show introduced international fashion designers as Emeline K(Ivory Cost), Kombate Sylvanal (Togo) Anggy Haif (France), Ptetty Creation (Morocco). Asta Jakubson (Irland) introduced her silver wire dresses, inspired by Joan of Arc. The Sri Lankan designer Enoka Fonseca received the Coup de Coeur Prize from the OFF de Cannes for her red dresses fashion show with gorgeous red models on the stairs of the palace. The writer Lionel Gnali then received the OFF de Cannes-PACA Films Prize for his book A broken destiny
The 600 happy fews appaude the artists and the non-stop fashion shows with somptuous dresses made with silver by Asta Jakubson and the blue creations by Anggy Haif, SylvanaK, Men Clash and Emeline K. Then the lingerie catwalk by Paulette Mouquet and swimwears made by Amira for Pretty Creation. A delirious public appreciates the underwear and swimwear shows. And the flashbulbs went off to immortalize the beautiful models who wore them and the artists who came from different countries. The Swiss tap dance champion, Angelo Borer, launched into a performance before Devy Man sends his sounds composed on a smarthphone with the Japanese performance of Shigemi Sawa. Jean-Marie Monteiro, from Guinea-Bissau who played with Manu Dibango, gathered several women to dance on his song dedicated to all the mothers. The lyric singer Richard Rittermann came from the choregies of Orange where he sang with Roberto Alagna to offer extracts from operas as Carmen and Turandot. The indian musician Raghunath Manet sang an exotic melody with his vina before to perform a holy dance. Many singers as Saori Jo, Indilov, Will Barber make the guests dance during the after party with the female DJ Galaxy Cat, Papa London, Divin, Malek, Moh Green, Paul Kabesa and the hypnotist Magnetik who surprised all the audience as Bebert the hornet, the French mascot of TV shows which sings in a bee outfit.
The radio partners Radio Diamant (Paris) get a live show during one hour, Black Feeling Radio (Marseille) get interviews from Saty Djelass, Miss Brazil Barbara Vitorelli, Corazon Ugalde Armenta, Tony Stark and all the prestigious guests, Marc Deschamps was backstage with the artists for Enka Radio (Belgium) and Cine Magazine (Cannes) get interviews inside the palace.
You missed the show. But don’t worry. The OFF DE CANNES is organizing other events all year long. To participate to the next events, take your OFF de Cannes membership card which also offers many advantages:
The most avant-garde artists will be selected and highlighted during the OFF de Cannes events that will take place during the Cannes Film Festival, 2022, May 17th to 28th.
" We don't make events, we write a legend. Our mission is to exploit Talent on an international Arena and Live the Dream.”