Considering the circumstances imposed by the present lockdow in Portugal that will continue till the end of this month, FANTASPORTO/ 41st Porto International Film Festival has made the decision to postpone the event and maintain the 2021 edition in person, with a live audience. Cinema is to be seen preferentially inside theatres, on a big screen. Fantasporto’2021 continues its mission to bring audiences and film creatives together, to celebrate cinema in the best possible way. Fantasporto International Film Festival 2021 remains an unmissable event in the national & international film calendar.
The Festival that should be held from February 26th till March 6th at the Rivoli Theatre in Oporto is studying alternative dates and eventually new theatres. The festival as we said before will be presential, following all possible safety rules due to the pandemic. Please notice that, as the restrictions at the time of the festival are not yet known, further decisions will be taken accordingly, if necessary.
Regarding our visitors, should they decide to come to Porto, they must submit to the travelling restrictions imposed by the governments. Presuming that some of the present ones continue, namely to have a negative Covid-19 test followed by a 2 to 7 days quarantine till the end of March we are sorry to inform that the festival will not be able to support more than the 3 hotel nights agreed, leaving all extra expenses on account of our visitors.
More news will be announced in the next few days.
Fantasporto O.C.