Berlinale Shorts
Tell Me about Yourself so that I Can Understand the World
The longing to understand and to be understood runs through the selection. The films daringly confront the present and rewrite the past. There are many ways to imagine a new tomorrow. A total of 20 films from 17 countries are competing for the Golden and the Silver Bear inBerlinale Shorts.
Slaloming between Fiction and Documentary: The Films of the 51st Berlinale Forum
Young directors play a key role in the 51st Berlinale Forum selection, with many films also characterised by a high degree of unpredictability. You often hardly know what is going to happen next. By privileging the fragile over the proven and permitting narrative detours and deliberately opaque cinematic spaces, the selection keeps our realm of perception suitably broad—in spite of the confinement of these current times. See the overview.
Forum Expanded
The Days Float Through My Eyes
The sudden coincidence of stagnation and change which we are currently experiencing has changed our idea of time and space—and thus also cinema. This affects both how the selected works will be seen as well as this year’s festival format, which is split into two and takes place on the Internet, inside and outside. The Forum Expanded film selection consists of four short film programmes, one medium-length film and two feature-length films, with a total of 18 films to be shown in March. See the selection.