We’re almost to the halfway point—but there are still plenty of powerful world premieres to come at the 2021 Sundance Film Festival. We have Betsy West and Julie Cohen’s My Name Is Pauli Murray, an illuminating portrait of the brilliant Black activist, feminist, poet, lawyer, and priest who influenced landmark civil rights legislation. And we’re excited to bring Robin Wright back to the Festival this year with her directorial debut Land.
At 4:00 p.m. MT this afternoon, you’re invited to join us for Power of Story: Speculative Fiction Is the Place, where a group of artists reflect on storytelling that reframes Black experiences through narratives connecting the people, technology, culture, and collective memory of the African diaspora. Presented by Netflix, Power of Story is always a Festivalgoer favorite, and we are thrilled to make this year’s edition free and open to the public.
And don’t forget to put The Big Conversation: The Story of Us on your schedule today! Moderated by legal scholar and civil rights advocate Kimberlé W. Crenshaw, the panel will include Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative; Pulitzer Prize–winning writer Viet Thanh Nguyen; Princeton University professor Ruha Benjamin; and Yale University professor David W. Blight.
Remember: If you can’t watch our Talks & Events live, after they air, you can access the recordings on their event pages any time you’d like. And for more free programming, check out Main Street, where our partners are hosting events and offers around the clock all Fest long.
By now, we hope you’ve gotten into the groove with your morning Festival routine. When you sit down at 9:00 a.m. MT today for The Sundance Dailies, presented by Acura, with Tabitha Jackson (and her sweet Festival mug!), you’ll get to drink coffee with Zoe Lister-Jones and Daryl Wein, who will be talking about their charming pre-apocalyptic comedy How It Ends. But if after sunset is more your thing, there’s even more fun to be had at tomorrow night’s Speakeasy. Swing through for Sound & Vision, presented by Southwest Airlines, featuring musical performances from artists like Bardo (Chicano Batman) and Frances Forever.
DAILY RECAP: BEST OF SATURDAYPRESENTED BY ADOBEWe’re still thinking about yesterday’s world premieres. Rodney Ascher’s mind-bending documentary A Glitch in the Matrix left us questioning the very nature of our own existence, while Amalia Ulman blurred the line between fact and fiction with her gorgeous black-and-white debut feature, El Planeta. As if that wasn’t enough, B. Ruby Rich reunited the titans of New Queer Cinema via Barbed Wire Kisses Redux, and we invited Festivalgoers to join our coven via our Womxn at Sundance Speakeasy. Here’s how it all went down. |