Cine Las Americas International Film Festival and the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center are excited to offer the CLA 2020 Virtual Showcase (July 16-19 & 23-26) straight to our communities' homes! All programs are available for free and registration is still open. See you on the internet!
Ballots for Audience Awards will be sent to all registrants — so keep an eye on your inbox for more details!
Please consider a donation to Cine Las Americas. Donations will not only help CLA bring you more films in the future but will also help fund the cash prizes that we award directly to filmmakers. This ensures that they can continue making the films that we're proud and honored to show every year, whether in-person or through our Virtual Showcase.
Cine Las Americas is a multi-cultural, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Austin Texas. The mission of Cine Las Americas is to promote cross-cultural understanding and growth by educating, entertaining and challenging diverse audiences through film and media arts.