With all our heart to the events that have been forced to cancel or go entirely online, we are in solidarity with their forced decisions and salute their work and their formidable reactivity.
After many hypotheses, after implementation in various forms already under way - and all this will only have been possible thanks to the unconditional support of all our public partners, whom we would like to thank warmly and whose constancy and complicity we would like to salute - allow us to share with you this announcement, this time final.
Convinced that a film is a living organism, as fragile as it is powerful; convinced even more than ever that a festival, in bringing together these magnificent fragilities and incredible strengths, is in turn a mobile assembly, we are happy to be able to share this new calendar with you:
1.The FIDLab will be held online from July 6th to 10th.
2. The FID will be held in Marseille from July 22nd to 26th.
Come and share our joy to make you discover our selection of films, each one unique, all beautiful, in exclusivity. We are waiting for you, many of you, to meet the film teams present, with a concern for the health of all, in the strictest respect. of course, of the health recommendations.
The official announcement of our selections will be detailed very quickly. Thank you to the directors and producers for your patience. Thank you to all of you for your attention, which will have carried us all along, and continues to do so. Vive le cinéma vivant.
FIDMarseille team
Dates announced for FID Marseille 22-26 July! / FIDLab 6-10 July 2020